Sex: Female (not spayed, but will be before adoption)
Current Size: 1.5 Pounds
General Potential Size: Medium
Current Age: 9 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
Activity Level: Highly Active
Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor Only
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Yes
Good with Kids: Yes
Declawed: No
Housetrained: Yes
Nancy's brother, Morris (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Nancy's sister, Blaze (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Nancy's sister, Delta (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Description: Nancy is one of a litter of four which was born to a stray momcat. The litter has been bottle fed and all have super personalities! (and yes, momcat is fixed now)
Nancy was a little shy, and we have worked thru that! She takes a few seconds to adjust to each new thing, we just pet her and sweet talk her and then she's just as involved as the other kittens. It's actually funny, she's just the last one to try something new.....
More of her longer fur is growing in as she gets older (if you can really consider 7 weeks old "getting older" LOL). She's going to be a medium haired kitty for sure!
Contact mona at
Other Pictures of Nancy (click to see larger version):