Sex: Male (not neutered, but will be before adoption)
General Potential Size: Large
General Age: Baby
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Yes
Good with Kids: Yes
Declawed: No
Housetrained: Yes
Description: DOB appx 9/1/07. DMH (medium haired) probably a Maine Coon mix. This is a sweet little male kitten who was found on the street by animal control and taken to the shelter. He was there 24 days and no one adopted him. He got sick so was on the list to be removed from the adoption room and taken to the kill room. Lucky for him one of our volunteers had put her name on his paperwork. He is in foster care and running around like mad. He has a slight runny nose so will be medicated for 2 weeks (started 11/26) before he is neutered. We call him Silly Billy because he's having such a TIME running all over the place after being in a cage since 11/2 (24 days caged!!!). We could hardly get a picture, we had to lock him in the bathroom to keep him in a smaller space...the whole time he was having a blast checking it all out! Contact Mona at
Other Pictures of Billy the Kid (click to see larger version):