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Last Updated:
2/21/2025 8:46 AM

Sir Thomas *special needs*'s Web Page

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Name: Sir Thomas *special needs*
Status: Adopted!
Adoption Fee: 200
Species: Cat
Breed: British Shorthair (medium coat)
Color: golden shaded
Sex: Male (neutered)
Current Size: 10 Pounds
Current Age: 6 Years 1 Month (best estimate)
Activity Level: Moderately Active
Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor Only
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Yes
Good with Kids: Yes
Declawed: No
Housetrained: Yes

This gorgeous guy was found on the street, & was brought to animal control where he did his stray time waiting for an owner to claim him. He was very sick with a kitty cold. 

Despite Sir Thomas being sick, animal control neutered him and gave him vaccines which can surely compromise a healing process. (would your surgeon let you go under the knife if you had the flu?)

Because he has a smushy nose we know this congestion is a big worry. He has  compressed nasal passages, which can easily trap bacteria, and we have seen this be fatal.

We'll keep it short and sweet here... Basically Sir Thomas has a chronic issue with kitty colds (aka Rhinitis). We did 6 rounds of antibiotics and found he would do well for about a week then by day 10 he was regressing.  So over the past 9 months, we did 2 cultures, also a fundraiser which covered his biopsy and CT scan to ensure there was no "mass" needing removal inside his nose. All was clear and it has been determined this kitty cold is going to be coming back again, and again, his entire life.

His new family needs to think through this carefully, as this will be a kitty who needs vet consultation constantly. He will also sneeze a lot, leaving mucous on the floors, walls and furnishings. And yes, it is sometimes bloody because when they go into a sneezing fit often little blood vessels in the nose can burst causing some blood.

*** So his new adoptive family needs to be on top of his care, ALL the time.

Lysol wipes for the walls, vet visits and/or phone conferences about what to try "next" and plenty of probiotics on hand to keep his gut healthy while he is medicated. 

As of now (March 2021) we are in week 5 of a 6-week round of antibiotics and anti-viral med. Sometimes they respond better to a longer duration, so the vet advised to try this.

Now, as for his personality, he is vocal, into EVERYTHING, playful, fun, gentle, goofy, and the best all around kitty. He's big, but ok being held. This is the British Shorthair personality. He will be on your kitchen counters, pulling things from the windowsill, loves to steal bottlecaps, you name it. He is a lot of fun, however he is not for the OCD person!!  He is like a big kitten and loves playing with other cats and even gently ambushes the dog every once in awhile. No, his chronic nose condition is not contagious.

If you are interested in adopting, please go to and click on the Adoption Policy menu, from there you will find the online application link. 

Foster Mom: Mona at

Other Pictures of Sir Thomas *special needs* (click to see larger version):
Sir Thomas *special needs*
Sir Thomas *special needs*
Sir Thomas *special needs*
Sir Thomas *special needs*
Sir Thomas *special needs*