Description: DOB appx 2002, DSH grey neutered male. Was dumped at a local fast food restaurant. Limpy was already "fixed" when we found him, so we tested him and got his shots updated. He is one of the nicest cats I've ever rescued. Limpy was xrayed - someone kicked him really hard - the damage to his body was consistent with a kick. His knee, hip, and pelvis were fractured, and the kick also sent his liver and intestine thru his diaphragm. His liver and intestine were in his chest. We had surgery performed. Although it was risky, he would not have lasted much longer with his organs out of place. Limpy came thru his surgery like a champ! He is all put back together correctly (!). The vet says he is ready to adopt and should have the same lifespan as any other cat. Despite all this, Limpy is OK with humans, loves to be held and puts his paws around your neck very gently. PAWS is accepting donations to help pay for Limpy's $550 surgery. His xrays and other vet visits bring his total to just under $1000. Every little bit helps! Please note it's for Limpy on your donation. "Purrs!" from Limpy :)